Editor-in-Chief, INFORMS OnLine
Deadline for Nominations: August 31, 2010
Nominations for the editor-in-chief for INFORMS OnLine (IOL) are now being sought. ManMohan S. Sodhi of the Cass Business School, City University London, has served as editor-in-chief of IOL since January 1, 2007 and will continue to serve in this capacity until December 31, 2010. The new editor-in-chief’s duties will commence on January 1, 2011.
INFORMS OnLine (http://www.informs.org/) is the website portal through which INFORMS:
- Facilitates networking opportunities among its members and between its members and those needing information about operations research and operations research professionals
- Provides timely information about key advances in operations research and the impacts of operations-research–based initiatives
- Supports career-building opportunities for operations research professionals
- Disseminates information of value to operations research professionals
- Provides online access to operations research publications and research
- Recognizes excellence in operations research
As a result of recent improvements to IOL, the role of the editor-in-chief is evolving from a hands-on role that previously focused on website design and creation to one focused on strategic visioning regarding both the content and functional capabilities that should be available through IOL. The new editor-in-chief will be able to achieve his or her goals by working with designated INFORMS staff and volunteer associate editors.
IOL has undergone significant changes in recent years and is now much better positioned to achieve its goals. A new content management system has been set up, guidelines and tutorials for setting up user communities have been made available, and many processes around content creation/approval have been streamlined. There is also now a clearer separation of roles between IOL’s business functions and editorial functions than previously so that the editor-in-chief can focus on content and user involvement rather than on the hardware or software to support them.
In addition to taking a leadership role in content strategy and creation, the new editor-in-chief is expected to increase the involvement of existing and potential INFORMS members with one another and with INFORMS through IOL. The INFORMS OnLine columns in OR/MS Today describe the development of IOL's technology platform and governance (http://ormstoday.pubs.informs.org).
Based on recommendations from the INFORMS Vice President, Information Technology, the President of INFORMS has appointed a committee to conduct a search for a new editor-in-chief. The committee intends to propose a candidate for approval by INFORMS no later than September 30, 2010. Deadline for nominations is August 31, 2010.
All members of INFORMS are invited to participate in this process. The committee seeks your opinions on the current status of IOL, your recommendations for change, as well as your nomination of candidates for the position.
Qualifications for the editor-in-chief of IOL include, foremost, demonstrated achievement in developing strategies that enable an organization to succeed. Achieving such successes through website portals is highly desired, although not specifically required so long as the candidate can provide demonstrated understanding of how Internet capabilities can support an organization’s needs and why and how these capabilities differ from other, more traditional, methods of information dissemination and social networking.
Additional qualifications include:
- Dedication and enthusiasm for using websites as effective communications and marketing vehicles
- A broad vision of IOL’s role in support of INFORMS and the OR/MS community
- Understanding the rapidly evolving nature of Internet-based communications, including social networking tools and how existing and potential members wish to collaborate and share information
- Understanding website technological advances and how they can benefit IOL and INFORMS
- Ability to drive sound strategies for website content creation and discoverability through search engine optimization
- The support and encouragement of her/his employer (it is anticipated that the new editor-in-chief’s responsibilities will require approximately four to six hours per week)
Responsibilities include:
- Identifying ways for IOL to support and further the mission and goals of INFORMS
- Creating an effective team of associate editors who would carry out the implementation of content strategy and user involvement
- Working effectively with INFORMS staff, respecting their roles in maintaining the infrastructure and running the business functions of INFORMS, including the use of IOL as a marketing vehicle for INFORMS, while ensuring the editorial team’s work is clear and appreciated
- Working with INFORMS Community officers directly, or by inviting them to be associate editors, and also with outside organizations
- Chairing monthly meetings (generally via conference calls) of volunteers and staff to ensure coordinated efforts between INFORMS staff and the editorial team of volunteers
In addition to nominations, the committee would value the input of the INFORMS membership on IOL:
- What do you see as the current status of IOL?
- What are things you like (and dislike) about IOL?
- What would be your recommendations for change to IOL?
- Do you have any other comments on IOL or the search for its next editor-in-chief?
Members of the search committee are: Warren Lieberman, Veritec Solutions (chair); Matthew Saltzman, Clemson University; and Michael Trick, Carnegie Mellon University. Further information about IOL can be obtained at IOL itself, http://www.informs.org/.
Opinions and recommendations are welcome at any time and may be communicated to the chair of the search committee:
Warren Lieberman
Veritec Solutions
824 Miramar Terrace
Belmont, CA 94002 USA
[email protected]
Phone +1-650-620-0000; Fax +1-650-594-2801
Please submit nominations by August 31, 2010.
Nominating statements should consist of a summary of the nominee’s qualifications and experience. Self-nominations are welcome and should include a resume and, if possible, a brief statement of the candidate’s vision/background/interests pertinent to IOL. Materials should be sent to the search committee chair, by e-mail to [email protected].