Country: United Kingdom (UNK)
Aim and Scope
Health and Social Care systems are facings major challenges worldwide, due in part to changes in demography and advances in technology and in part to changes in the structure and organisation of the system whether they are hospitals, general practitioners or long-term care settings. Yet running health and social care systems efficiently and effectively is crucial to improving or even maintaining our quality of life. Over the years, extensive research has been conducted to find immediate and long-term solutions to issues that are routinely faced by health and social care professionals, such as waiting lists and bed capacity, hospital redesign, workforce planning and scheduling, patient flow, performance management, disease monitoring, and health care technology assessment. Mathematical modelling and computer simulation techniques (statistical analysis, stochastic processes, queuing theory, mathematical programming, heuristics, discrete event simulation, system dynamics, etc) have shown to be increasingly valuable in providing useful information to aid planning and management.
Call for Papers
We invite researchers in all relevant problem domains and methodologies to submit abstracts of 300 words by Friday 14th December 2012 either online at http://online.ima.org.uk or by e-mail to [email protected]. Case studies and methodological papers are both welcome. Please state whether your title is intended for oral or poster presentation. Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by the end of January 2013. Poster presentations are particularly welcome as they stimulate discussion and feedback. We are also planning a special poster presentation session for research students and others to show their work in progress.
Confirmed invited speakers include:
Professor Stephen E. Chick,Professor of Technology and Operations Management, Novartis Chair of Healthcare Management, INSEAD, France;Professor Malcolm Grant,CBE, UCL Provost and President and Chair of the NHS Commissioning Board;Dr David Paynton,FRCGP, DMS, MBE, Practicing GP, Clinical lead for Out of Hospital care at Southampton City Clinical Commissioning Group and National Clinical Lead for the Royal College of General Practitioner's Centre for Commissioning;Dr Geoffrey Royston,President of the Operational Research Society and former Head of Strategic Analysis and Operational Research in the Department of Health for England, andProfessor Peter Smith, Professor of Policy and co-Director of Centre for Health Policy, Imperial College London.
Organising Committee
Professor Thierry Chaussalet,University of Westminster – Chair;Dr Christos Vasilakis,CORU, University College London – Co-Chair;ProfessorSally Brailsford,University of Southampton;ProfessorSimon Jones,University of Surrey;ProfessorPaul Lisboa,Liverpool John Moores University;DrMartin Pitt,Peninsula Medical School.