PPAM 2003 will be dedicated to a broad variety of subject areas within parallel and distributed processing, including theory and applications. The Conference is also intended as an open forum in the field of applied mathematics. An important goal of PPAM 2003 is to foster communication and cooperation between communities studying problems in this field and communities involved in parallel, distributed and grid computing.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited) to:
Parallel/distributed and grid architectures
Cluster computing
Parallel/distributed algorithms
Scheduling and load balancing
Performance analysis and prediction
Parallel/distributed/grid programming
Software engineering for parallel/ distributed/grid computing
Tools and environments for parallel/distributed/grid processing
Numerical linear algebra
Methods of solving differential equations
Evolutionary computing and neural networks
Mathematical and computer methods in mechanics, material processing, biology and medicine, physics, chemistry, business, environmental modeling, etc.
Applications of parallel/distributed/grid computing