Applying formal methods may involve the modeling of different aspects of a system that are expressed through different paradigms. This motivates us to research the combination of different viewpoints upon a system, either by the creation of hybrid notations, by extending existing notations, by translating between notations, or by incorporating a wider perspective by innovative use of an existing notation.
The integration of formal methods has already yielded noteworthy benefits for systems modeling and software development. Whichever approach is taken, significant issues arise in areas such as semantic integration, the tractability of our notations, the integration of tool support, the integration of proof systems, consistency and completeness. Issues arise equally in our conceptualization of systems at different levels of abstraction and the development of these conceptualizations through the process of refinement.
The scope of IFM2005 includes all aspects of integration of different formal notations, paradigms and tools, and also the formal strengthening of informal notations (e.g., UML).
The conference also seeks and welcomes contributions in related areas such as:
hybrid systems, the embedding of one formalism within another, and the integration of formal methods with informal or semi-formal diagrammatic notations and structuring techniques.
Submissions should be original work, not published or submitted elsewhere.
Submissions may be up to 20 pages in length and are preferably prepared with LaTeX. Springer Verlag will publish the conference proceedings in the series 'Lecture Notes in Computer Science', hence submissions must be prepared according to the LNCS author instructions (see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). The first page of the paper should contain an abstract of the paper, a list of keywords, the names, affiliations and emails of the authors. The contact authors should further provide their fax numbers as well as their phone numbers.
A link to the submission web site will be provided on the conference web site (http://www.win.tue.nl/ifm/).
Submission deadline: May 18, 2005
Notification of acceptance: July 13, 2005
Submission of final copy: August 17, 2005
Conference: November 29 - December 2, 2005