Fifth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management (ICOQM-V)
October 25-27, 2004, Seoul, South Korea
THEME: Decision Making and Managerial Innovation in the Digital Age
Welcome to the Fifth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management (ICOQM-V) hosted by Hanyang University in cooperation with the Association of Digital Policy and Management, Seoul, South Korea! The first two conferences were held in India, followed by the third hosted by the University of Western Sydney, Australia. The fourth ICOQM was hosted by National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan in January 2003. We cordially invite you to Seoul, a city rich in tradition of knowledge exchange and cultural experience.
Conference Theme: The theme of the Fifth ICOQM is 'Decision Making and Managerial Innovation in the Digital Age.' The widespread diffusion of digital infrastructure, applications, products, and services has created new challenges and opportunities for managers, corporations, and the society as a whole. Innovative business models, techniques, tools, processes, and structures are attempted and analyzed for improved decision making. Young managers need to be familiar with these new business practices and work environment. Organizations in the digital age that constantly adopt improved decision making practices and innovate themselves can create unique advantages and enjoy sustainable competitiveness. The new digital environment also allows global collaboration and cooperation among managers in different countries and provides us with tremendous new opportunities. It is in this context that this conference will provide an opportunity to management scholars to examine their role in the digital age.
In addition to topics of the conference theme, scholars are encouraged to submit abstracts on any topic that is related with operations management, management science, operations research, quantitative management, and information technology.
Contributed Papers: Scholars interested in presenting papers are requested to follow the guidelines given below:
A brief abstract (not exceeding 200 words) should be submitted electronically by June 30, 2004. Names of authors, their addresses (postal and e-mail), and phone/fax numbers should also be indicated. Each abstract should have at least three keywords and a topic code that is most appropriate for the submitted paper. (For topic codes, please refer to the next section).
Notification of accepted papers will be sent within two weeks of the receipt of the abstract. All abstracts will be peer-reviewed.
Papers adhering to prescribed requirements will be eligible for publication in the conference proceedings (in CD-ROM) subject to a page limitation. The deadline for submission of complete papers for consideration for the proceeding is July 31, 2004. Authors need not submit complete papers unless they are submitting for possible publication in the proceedings.