Mobile ad-hoc networks combine mobility and communication
networks. The design of such networks poses new and great challenges
in the design of distributed algorithms. This workshop gives a
communication platform for researchers interested in mobility (like
kinetic data structures, motion planning), distributed networking
(like dynamic routing, dynamic load balancing), wireless
communication problems (like radio broadcasting and frequency
assignmnent). The goal of the workshop is to bring together
algorithmic methods and general results of these areas to advance
and progress the development of algorithmic aspects in wireless
The goal of the workshop is to enhance the exchange of ideas between
researchers working on mobility issues and (wireless) communication
Relevant topics include, but are not restricted to
+ Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
+ Kinetic Data Structures
+ Dynamic Network Problems
+ Distributed Computing
+ Dynamic Load Balancing and Scheduling
+ Frequency Assignment Problems
+ Radio Broadcasting
+ Motion Planning