The conference will include sessions on theory, implementation and applications, as well as the non-technical areas of challenges in education and technology transfer to industry. There will be both oral and poster sessions. Accepted full papers will be included in the proceedings to be published by IEEE CS Press. Selected papers will be published in "International Journal on Computational Intelligence and Applications"
published by World Scientific Publishing Company Press.
Several well-known keynote speakers will address the conference.
Conference Topics Include (but not limited to):
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Neural Networks
Pattern Recognition
Fuzzy Systems
Genetic Algorithms
Hybrid Systems
Intelligent Control
Intelligent Databases
Knowledge-based Engineering
Learning Algorithms
Memory, Storage and Retrieval
Multimedia Systems
Formal Models for Multimedia
Interactive Multimedia
Multimedia and Virtual Reality
Multimedia and Telecommunications
Multimedia Information Retrieval
Multimedia and Security
Multimedia Hardware
Multimedia and Algorithms