The aim of the workshop SDS2005 is discussing recent developments in computational methods for: dynamical systems and nonlinear stability; dynamical systems in linear algebra and control; dynamical systems on manifolds and Lie groups; dynamical systems with inequality constraints; numerical methods for computing functions of matrices. Both numerical and theoretical aspects will be welcome.
The plenary speakers are:
-Luca Dieci (Georgia Istitute of Technology, Atlanta GA, U.S.A.) -Paul Van Dooren (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium) -Uwe Helmke (University Worzburg, Germany) -Marlis Hochbruck (Heinrich Heine Universty Dosseldorf, Germany) -Niloufer Mackey (Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo MI, U.S.A.) -D. Steven Mackey (University of Manchester, England.) -Hans Schumacher (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) -David Stewart (University of Iowa, Iowa City IA, U.S.A.) -Erik Van Vleck (University of Kansas, Lawrence KS, U.S.A.) -Antonella Zanna (Universitetet i Bergen, Norway)