A proclamation by Bob Riley, Governor of Alabama, has designated the first week of April as Simulation Week, when an extensive agenda is being hosted by the Alabama Modeling and Simulation Council ( http://www.amsc.to ) at the Von Braun Civic Center ( http://www.vonbrauncenter.com ) in Huntsville (http://huntsville.org ) .
Core elements of Simulation Week are the co-located workshops, conferences and symposia comprising the Spring '06 Simulation Interoperability Workshop organized by the Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (http://www.sisostds.org ) and the Spring Simulation MultiConference organized by the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (http://www.scs.org ).
SIW and SpringSim emphasize the theme for the week: "Transportation - from Red Clay to the Red Planet." See http://www.cscsimulation.com/documents/SpringSim06_Poster.pdf and http://www.amsc.to/S06Theme.pdf.
There are several ways to participate in Simulation Week:
- Register for SIW at http://www.sisostds.org/06Spring.htm or for SpringSim at http://www.scs.org/springsim .
- Reserve exhibit space. Contact [email protected] .
- Display at the Alabama Technology Showcase on Wednesday, April 5.
Contact [email protected] .
- Participate in workshops on M&S technology, Workforce Development, and Business Practice. Contact [email protected] .
- Contribute to the military service academies' WARLORDS wargame.
Contact [email protected] .