Technical Sponsors:
* IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
* The World Federation of Soft Computing (WFSC)
* European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology
* International Fuzzy Systems Association
* Springer Verlag, Germany
* Society of Instrumentation and Control Engineers, Japan (SICE)
* Transdisciplinary Federation of Science and Technology, Japan
* Muroran Institute of Technology in Japan
This advanced symposium brings together international soft computing/computational intelligence researchers, developers, practitioners, and users. The aim of WSTST is to serve as a forum to present current and future work as well as to exchange research ideas in this field. WSTST invites authors to submit their original and unpublished work that demonstrate current research in all areas of soft computing including intelligent hybrid systems, agent-based systems, intelligent data mining, decision support systems, cognitive and reactive distributed artificial intelligence (AI), internet modeling, human interface, and applications not only in science and technology but also in economic and social systems.
WSTST'05 invites authors to submit their original and unpublished work that demonstrate current research in all areas of intelligent systems and their applications in science, technology, business and commerce.
WSTST'05 will focus on the following themes:
* Intelligent hybrid systems
* Fusion of soft computing and hard computing
* Data mining and decision support systems
* Intelligent agent-based systems, cognitive and reactive distributed AI systems
* Internet modeling
* Human interface
* Applications
* Image and speech signal processing, prediction, and control
* Robotics
* Biology and medicine
* Business and management
* Artificial societies
* Chemicals, pharmaceuticals and materials
* Environment engineering
* Other applications