PHILADELPHIA, PA, November 2, 2015 – The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS®), the leading professional association in analytics and operations research, today announced eight new recipients of the annual INFORMS Fellow Award.
The INFORMS Fellows Awards is being presented during a luncheon at the 2015 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Philadelphia.
The 2015 Fellows are:
- C. Allen Butler, for successful management of the Daniel H. Wagner consulting company, exemplary service to INFORMS and the profession, and outstanding operations research/management science (OR/MS) and analytics practice in the defense industry.
- Gérard Cachon, for contributions to the theory of supply chain contracting and for service to the profession as editor-in-chief of the INFORMS journals Management Science and Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (M&SOM).
- Pinar Keskinocak, for contributions to the applications of OR/MS in health and humanitarian systems, and distinguished service to the INFORMS community. Dr. Keskinocak has just been elected secretary of the INFORMS Board of Directors and will begin her term in 2016.
- Eva K. Lee, for contributions in OR methodologies and to OR practice in medicine, biomedicine, and emergency preparedness, with successful implementations and broad impact.
- Jack Levis, for significant contributions with high impact in the areas of OR practice, management, and service, including active involvement on the INFORMS Board, the INFORMS Analytics Certification Board, and leadership of the OR group at UPS.
- Pitu Mirchandani, for fundamental research contributions to dynamic and stochastic networks, location models, adaptive control of transportation systems, and traffic modeling and analysis.
- Benjamin Van Roy, for contributions to decision making in stochastic systems and approximate dynamic programming.
- Rakesh V. Vohra, for his fundamental research at the intersection of operations research, economics, and computer science, including learning in games, mechanism design, and market design.
The INFORMS Fellow Award, which brings together the very best operations researchers and analytics experts throughout the world, recognizes outstanding achievement in five areas:
- Education: Education in the field of operations research/management science
- Management: Management of operations research/management science, including responsibility for applying the profession’s techniques within an organization of any type
- Practice: The practice of operations research/management science/analytics
- Research
- Service: Service to INFORMS and the profession
A complete list of INFORMS Fellows Awards presented since the award began in 2002 is here.
The 2015 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. Is taking place from November 1-4 at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown. Over 5,000 academics and professionals are expected to attend the conference.
INFORMS is the leading international association for professionals in analytics and operations research (O.R.). INFORMS advances research, and develops and promotes best practices in analytics and O.R. through collaboration, knowledge sharing, and professional development. INFORMS helps business, government, and other organization professionals make better decisions to drive value to their organizations and society. Our certification program (CAP®), highly cited publications, educational meetings and conferences, continuing education, industry and process focused networking communities, competitions, and recognition provide professionals with the knowledge and connections they need to achieve ever greater value for their organizations. Further information about INFORMS can be found online at or @informs.

Media Contact
Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]