All search results for . 11351-11360 of 20140 results.
Dynamic Learning of Patient Response Types: An Application to Treating Chronic Diseases
...Therapies for a number of chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Crohn���s...
Peter Glynn
Competitive Strategies for Brick-and-Mortar Stores to Counter “Showrooming”
...Today���s consumer leverages different channels to acquire information before ...
Elliott Weiss
Francisco Erize
Chloe Kim Glaeser
Student teams conquer complex real-world challenges in the INFORMS Student Team Competition
...CATONSVILLE, MD, March 26, 2018 - Eight student teams from around the world have...
Re: Betting Your Favorite to Win: Costly Reluct...
Page 5
...1998 Nonlinear Programming Software Survey Page 5...