All search results for . 11881-11890 of 20140 results.
Insurance companies: want to steal your competitors’ customers? New research says it may cost you
...Key Takeaways: ...
Digital vs. print publications: New study shows playing favorites can hurt overall book sales
...Key Takeaway: Delaying the release of the digital version of a new book in order...
Insurance Companies: Want To Steal Your Competitors’ Customers?
AI Tools and Analytics Provide Police with Critical Insights
No more chicken soup: Data is the answer to fighting the flu
16th INFORMS Computing Society Conference
New research shows legalized recreational marijuana a substitute for alcohol, but not tobacco
...New Marketing Science Study Key Takeaways...
20th INFORMS Applied Probability Society Conference
Marijuana Legalization Linked To Decreased Interest In Alcohol
Mudslinging at rival candidates works - If you do it yourself