All search results for . 16441-16450 of 20231 results.
Thomas E. Caywood
...ORSA President, 1969...
Electronic Medical Record Adoption in Hospitals Sped by Key Medical Centers
...HANOVER, MD, August 13, 2010 - Persuading influential medical centers to ...
W. Edward Cushen
...ORSA President, 1970...
OR-Net Conference 2010
The 2nd POMS-HK International Conference
...The Production and Operations Management Society - Hong Kong Chapter (POMS-HK) ...
Cornell Hospitality Research Summit
Robert E. Machol
...ORSA President, 1971...
Richard C. Larson
...INFORMS President, 2005; ORSA President, 1993...
Jian Guo
Greg Zaric