All search results for . 16761-16770 of 20227 results.
INFORMS News: In Memoriam - Paul Gray (1930-2012)
...Paul Gray, professor emeritus at Claremont Graduate University (CGU), died on ...
INFORMS News: In Memoriam - Uriel G. Rothblum (1947-2012)
...By Boaz Golany...
...2013 Annual Symposium onManagement, Operations Research and Economics...
INFORMS News: In Memoriam - Tayfur Altiok (1954-2012)
...Tayfur Altiok, a professor of industrial and systems engineering in Rutgers ...
INFORMS News: In Memoriam - John Kettelle
...John Kettelle, a long-time member of INFORMS and the founder of Ketron, died May...
INFORMS News: People
...INFORMS President-Elect Anne Robinson visited Stanford University to share her ...
INFORMS News: Call for Papers: Policy Analytics
...The Annals of Operations Research seeks submissions for a special volume on ...
GIAMS 2013
...2013Global Information and Management Symposium (GIAMS)15-17 April, 2013Bangkok...