Search Results

All search results for . 18161-18170 of 20113 results.

...Our primary goal is to bring together people who are interested in the academic/...

Eight Suggestions for Teaching Modeling to MBAs
...Editor's Note...

24th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization

The Harbor Pilot's Parable
...The OR/MS analyst and his wife had been on vacation only a few days, but already...

Math Works in the Real World (You just have to prove it again and again)
...Any mathematician plying their trade in the business world cannot help but feel ...

Michael H. Rothkopf Memorial Conference
...You are cordially invited to the Memorial Conference to honor the life and work ...

OR: Past, Present and Future
...While our field is just over 50 years old, we in operations research can point ...

Location and Network Design Workshop (LAND)
...We invite you to participate in a workshop being held in Pucon, Chile on ...

New Model for Military Operations
...Business leaders in America have long known that being able to adapt to changing...

MIP 2009
...Mixed Integer Programming Workshop...