All search results for . 19501-19510 of 20203 results.
Crisis management: When your celebrity advertising endorser generates negative publicity
...New research study lays out steps brands should take to respondKey Takeaways:&...
When the cardiology patient ends up in the oncology care ward
2018 Wagner Competition Videos
2018 Wagner Prize Winner: Analytics and Bikes: Riding Tandem with Motivate to Improve Mobility
...Bike-sharing systems are now ubiquitous across the U.S. We have worked with ...
TRAFFIC! Walkable, bikeable cities becoming future options
2018 Wagner Prize Finalist: Centralized Admissions for Engineering Colleges in India
...We designed and implemented a new joint seat allocation process for over 500 ...
Square feet could stumble over reduced booze use
2018 Wagner Prize Finalist: Primal-Dual Algorithms for Order Fulfillment at Urban Outfitters, Inc
...We formulate the omni-channel fulfillment problem as an online optimization ...
Your Employer May Be Spying on You—and Wasting Its Time