Search Results

All search results for . 2891-2900 of 19547 results.

Building, Operating a Hybrid Course
...This month's column concludes a short series on the notion of a "hybrid&...

Research Videos: a Star is bORn
...Richard Larson's article "Web Video: Transformational Option for O.R.&quot...

Airline Optimization
...Researchers at IBM have played a fundamental role in the development of the ...

Customer (Dis)Service Leads to Loyalty
...As usual, I have put off my preparation for spring semester until it is (almost...

New Books
...Automation and Production Systems: Methodologies and Applications...

Mass Egress and Post-disaster Responses
...What can be done if, despite best efforts, a disaster strikes, leaving hundreds ...

Call For Papers
...Special Issue on Electronic...

Chemistry Lessons
...Everything is chemical in origin, even sexual attraction. And the web is ...

E-Business: A Road Just Begun
...We have never traveled the e-business road before, but is there something in the...

...The other day someone said that operations refer essentially to manufacturing. ...