Search Results

All search results for . 3131-3140 of 19563 results.

Teaching Ethics: It's the Right Thing to Do
...Ethics was once considered to be the exclusive domain of philosophers and ...

A Critical Look at Critical Thinking
...quot;In the old days we used to teach pivot tables in the MBA core," my ...

Distinguished Service Award
...To recognize individuals who have provided long-standing, exceptional service to...

Champion's Kit Kickstarts 'Better' Campaign
...The "Science of Better" campaign has debuted, and it offers operations...

Patently Labyrinthine
...Patents and copyrights are intended to be tools to foster innovation by granting...

Patients Aren't Widgets
...Health care systems are among the most challenging systems from an operations ...

Outstanding Simulation Publication Award
...To recognize outstanding contributions to the simulation literature, the INFORMS...

When Greed is Good
...In the highly polarized environment that marks most 2004 political campaigns, ...

Welcome to O.R. World
...If ever there was a sector of the economy crying out for operations research-...

Education Journal Takes Off
...Where do you find a provocative essay on the art and science of simulation, a ...