All search results for . 5981-5990 of 20203 results.
Parshuram Hotkar
Zhenhuan Sui
INFORMS News: Stochastic Systems: The newest INFORMS journal
...Editor-in-chief introduces Stochastic Systems and explains why you should ...
INFORMS News: President-elect position statement: Ramayya Krishnan
...I am enormously optimistic about the unique capabilities of our INFORMS ...
Shivaram Subramanian
INFORMS News: President-elect position statement: Greg Parlier
...Our multi-disciplinary profession can achieve powerful results with ...
Richard Ratliff
Richard Ratliff
INFORMS News: In Memoriam Harvey M. Wagner (1931-2017)
...Harvey M. Wagner, a renowned researcher, teacher and consultant whose seminal ...
Thomas Breugem