All search results for . 6451-6460 of 20203 results.
Bill McEvily
Study: When artists are depressed, their art has less value
Steve Vargo, Kaisa Koskela-Huotari, Jaakko Siltaloppi
Cong Feng and K. Sivakumar
Anna Papush, Georgia Perakis, and Pavithra Harsha
INFORMS selects 2018 UPS George D. Smith Prize finalists from leading university O.R. and analytics programs
...CATONSVILLE, MD, January 16, 2018 ��� INFORMS, the leading international ...
INFORMS in the News
...Compiled by Ashley KilgoreWe���re more likely to lie when in a group, study says...
Students create program, save prison systems millions
Digging Deeper
...BHP Billiton plans to enter the bulk fertilizers market by developing its first ...