Search Results

All search results for . 7551-7560 of 20203 results.

Issues in Education
...By Vijay MehrotraIn my recent MBA elective course on data mining, I assigned my ...

...Awash in data and opportunities: Why data professionals must move up the ...

Analytics Ethics
...Validation is the key to avoiding algorithmic disaster.By Joseph ByrumAbout as ...

Page 13
...Supply Chain Management Software SurveyPage 13...

UPS Smith Prize Presentations

Healthcare: Measuring medical policy changes with O.R.
...By Sumana Reddy and Harrison SchrammHow can advanced statistical methods be made...

Randall Davis

The rise of self-service analytics
...By Paul BrunetWith the rise of big data and the processes and tools related ...

Aly Megahed

Hamid Reza Motahari Nezhad