Dmitri Kuksov

Past Awards

John D.C. Little Best Paper Award: Finalist
Winning material: “A Model of the ‘It’ Products in Fashion” Marketing Science, January-February, Volume 32, Issue 1, Pages 51-69

John D.C. Little Best Paper Award: Finalist
Winning material: "Competition in Consumer Shopping Experience"
Donald G. Morrison Long-Term Impact Award: Finalist
Winning material: "Buyer Search Costs and Endogenous Product Design"

John D.C. Little Best Paper Award: Finalist
Winning material: Brand Value in Social Interaction
John D.C. Little Best Paper Award: Finalist
Winning material: The Effects of Costs and Competition on Slotting Allowances

Frank M. Bass Dissertation Paper Award: Finalist
Winning material: Buyer Search Costs and Endogenous Product Design
Frank M. Bass Dissertation Paper Award: Winner(s)
Winning material: Multiple Discreteness and Product Differentiation: Demand for Carbonated Soft Drinks