Greg M. Allenby

Past Awards

Donald G. Morrison Long-Term Impact Award: Finalist
Winning material: "Estimating Heterogeneous EBA and Economic Screening Rule Choice Models", Marketing Science 2006, Volume 25, P. 494-509.

ISMS Fellow Award: Awardee(s)
Donald G. Morrison Long-Term Impact Award: Finalist
Winning material: "A Choice Model with Conjunctive, Disjunctive, and Compensatory Screening Rules"

Donald G. Morrison Long-Term Impact Award: Finalist
Winning material: "A Choice Model with Conjunctive, Disjunctive, and Compensatory Screening Rules"

Donald G. Morrison Long-Term Impact Award: Finalist
Winning material: "Modeling Consumer Demand for Variety"
Donald G. Morrison Long-Term Impact Award: Finalist
Winning material: "A Choice Model with Conjunctive, Disjunctive, and Compensatory Screening Rules"

Donald G. Morrison Long-Term Impact Award: Winner(s)
Winning material: “Bayesian Statistics and Marketing,” Marketing Science, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2003, pp. 304-328

Frank M. Bass Dissertation Paper Award: Finalist
Winning material: Estimating Heterogeneous EBA and Economic Screening Rule Choice Models

John D.C. Little Best Paper Award: Finalist
Winning material: A Choice Model With Conjunctive, Disjunctive, And Compensatory Screening Rules

John D.C. Little Best Paper Award: Finalist
Winning material: Modeling Consumer Demand for Variety

Frank M. Bass Dissertation Paper Award: Winner(s)
Winning material: A Unified Approach to Identifying, Estimating, and Testing Demand Structure with Aggregate Scanner Data