All search results for . 11491-11500 of 20203 results.
Thomas L. Magnanti
...INFORMS President, 1999; ORSA President, 1997...
John R. Birge
...INFORMS President, 2000...
James C. Bean
...INFORMS President, 2001...
Michael A. Trick
...INFORMS President, 2002...
Thomas M. Cook
...INFORMS President, 2003; TIMS President, 1990-1991...
INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Conference
3rd International Conference on Applied Operational Research (ICAOR'11)
...The conference is an annual forum bringing together academics and practitioners ...
CSEDU 2011
...Conference Name: 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (...
3rd IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Sport