Search Results

All search results for . 11551-11560 of 20203 results.

Editorial Staff
...OR/MS Tomorrow is the student membership magazine for INFORMS (The Institute for...

...By Sheldon Jacobson and Adrian J. LeeAVSEC World is the premier aviation ...

Joint Chief of Staff

...By David Lengacher and John DulinMany of us in the operations research/...

...By John ToczekWinning at board games is often determined by identifying and ...

Ambarish Acharya

Kory Hedman

...Three prominent members of INFORMS Arjang Assad, Saul Gass and David Simchi-...

Hoda Parvin

INFORMS News: Austin meeting sets record
...The 2010 INFORMS Annual Meeting held in Austin, Texas, Nov. 7-10 drew a record 4...