Search Results

All search results for . 11601-11610 of 20203 results.

...By John ToczekHosting a dinner party requires several skills to pull off a ...

INFORMS News: Spring conference broadens scope to encompass analytics
...By David R. LeonhardiINFORMS spring Practice Conference has been re-...

INFORMS News: Edelman competition: the best in applied analytics
...Six finalists will compete for the most prestigious prize in applied O.R., the ...

INFORMS News: Introducing Analytics Connect
...Analytics Connect is a new, premier, professional job event to be held at the ...

INFORMS News: IBM research center wins Wagner Prize
...By C. Allen ButlerThe IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center won the 2010 Daniel H...

Srikanth Jagabathula

Jose Guajardo

Sripad Devalkar

Mazhar Arikan

Tava Lennon Olsen